How To Earn Money Through Your Blog?

Mainly every blogger blogs to earn money or at least earn enough money to pay the bill of hosting and the domain, but not everyone get succeed. Many new bloggers complain that they can’t earn money from there blog when they start the blog. But everyone should know if you want to earn money than first you need to earn decent visitors. Blogs are nothing without any visitor.

There are many ways to earn money through your blog and it is depend upon you which suit your blog the best. However there is no way to be quickly rich without doing anything, this is what you should always keep on your mind. Earning money is hard for some peoples and for some too easy, so to earn money first of all you should have enough visits on your blog and if not than there is no chance for you to make money through your blog.

Okay then, let start.

Ways to earn money through blog:

Showing Ads:

This way is commonly knows by nearly every blogger and I think everyone may already have ads. But here is something which not everyone knows. If you have any ad on your blog of any company and you are showing so much ads on your blog than your site will start losing it rank on the search listings. So, you should keep the ad level maintains to 3 per page and if you place more than it may affect your SEO. And the important thing, never think of using Pop-up ads as these are what affect your search engine listings directly and also make search engine believes that your site is a spam. I recommend that you use Google AdSense, Media.Net or Infolinks ads on your site.

Affiliate links:

You can find many good companies on the Internet who gives money to refer peoples and this is how you can earn money. You can keep banners at the sidebar of your blog and add the affiliate links onto it. And trust me it has earned many peoples more than by using Ad Networks. The known sites which offer these are: Hostgator, GoDaddy, Bluehost etc. If you are on WordPress platform than you can find many plugins which changes normal links onto affiliate ads and when someone go through there and purchase anything than you will earn money.

Selling templates:

If you know how to create template of any blogging platform than you can start creating and selling templates and there are many peoples who always start to pay for template and you can sale per template on average $5.

Link shortners:

There are some advertisement link shortners which shorten your links and you will paid when someone visit through the link. Also they offer some codes by which every links on your site will change onto there’s why which whenever anyone visits from that link you will earn money. This is the best way to earn money if you have lots of visitors but don’t want to show ads. You can find many of these like sites and in which some of the main are:, LinkBucks etc.

From Editor’s Desk:

That’s it. Now if you have enough visitors on your blog than definitely you can earn money. And please keep in mind, link shortner’s has good earning but if you place there auto-link changing script than it may affect your site’s listing in the search engines. So, please change the links yourself and then add those on your blog. If you have any problem or suggestions on improving this article than feel free to leave your comment below, I will back to you soon. Happy Blogging!

Author About The Author
He is Akash Deep Satpathi from Tricky Techs. He is a tech blogger who like to post tricks, tips, make money tips, etc.
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