5 Important Tips to Check Before Approving Any Guest Post
Guest Posting is one of the important thing which every blogger should do in order to acquire more backlink, traffic and online reputation. Guest Posting has become common now-a-days as most of the bloggers, webmaster do. But the thing which creates when we blog owners get guest posts from other blog authors, shall we simply approve and publish it or first shall we review, satisfied and then publish it? Obviously the second one isn't so?
- Must Read :- Guests Blogging: Builds Your Author-Trust
The blog owners who are probably busy in there other works might not get enough time to be active daily in there blog. From them it's the best thing as they are getting guest posts and to check, it doesn't take much time. So both are happy. Today in this article we are going to see some of the most important things which we should really care for before approving a guest post. So let's start.
1. Unique Content Not Plagiarism: An owner of the blog must check at first that the content he/she is getting is unique or have been copied from somewhere else. Publishing plagiarism contents in your blog may result worst, it can also led to deletion of your blog and your blog may stuck of from the search engines. So the first thing which you should always keep in mind that the article should be genuine and originally written by the guest author.
2. Search Engine Optimized: Search Engine Optimized also termed as SEO is the main thing which you should keep in mind that the article which you are getting is well optimized with proper tags for example h1, h2, h3...etc. SEO plays an important role in getting your site indexed fast. You should also take care of the images and see that is it using alt tag etc.
3. No Self Promotion: Most of the newbies who just have stepped in guest posting they might promote their blog in the guest article. They could also give you an article which is a review and in the thought of getting better backlink they may give it to you. Use strict action against it and directly say no to the guest author.
4. Grammatical Mistakes: There are many who make silly grammatical mistakes while writing. I am not telling everyone but there are some who make like these mistakes. So you should thoroughly read the article and find and fix the mistakes, If you just published the mistakes then your readers may find it uncomfortable and may leave your blog to find something better.
5. The Length of the Article: We have already discussed about this in lot of articles about the length of the article. One should always check the size, it should be little lengthy and must contained detailed information about what the topic is. If the article is short and lack of information then Bots may find it spam, string or fake. And there you may be directly hit by Google Algorithms. So you should always keep in mind about the length of the article.
exactly i have seen those guest posts where people focus on self promotion then the content.as my blog has good traffic and alexa rank so i am going to start accepting guest posts.this tips will help me to choose the good one for widget for blogger