How To Choose A Web Hosting Provider In India

Web Hosting Provider In India

Hello Readers..!!A web hosting service is the heart of every website. To host a website, web hosting service is required and to keep the website up and running 24/7, a reliable web hosting provider is required. Finding a web hosting company is really not an easy job, it involves a lot of research and time to select the hosting provider that would meet your expectations. It's absolutely very easy to setup a web hosting company but its ten times difficult than you think to run a web hosting company. The nature of the business allows any person to setup a web hosting business. In this saturated market picking that one hosting company to host your website can be a difficult task.

Following points would help you to buy web hosting in India from a professional service provider:

1. Foundation & Company Registration 

This is a key point which would help you to segregate the hosting companies. The companies that exist in the hosting industry from past few years can be considered. Some hosting providers may be into business since ten years, some might have been since 5 years and few might have started the hosting business over a year ago. The companies who have recently got into the hosting business should be ignored. The company you select should be registered and should be able to provide you the business or company registration number if asked.

2. Customer Feedback 

 If the hosting provider is a well known company than there should be few reviews about them over the internet. Find out those reviews, if you don't get any reviews ask the hosting provider to share few websites hosted on their server.

From the website you can find out the contact details of the website owner, contact them and ask for feedback. It's a little odd practice and may take sometime but you will get the genuine feedback.

Sometimes there are fake reviews posted on the internet they may be good or bad. A review should only be considered if its posted along with the website url.

3. Contact Options & Availability 

The hosting company should have a land line phone number, 24/7 live chat and help desk. They should be easily accessible through any of these contact options.

Ignore the companies who are not having a land line number and are using mobile number. It shows that the company is either run by a single person or they are not having a proper setup for running the hosting business. The hosting company should be available 24/7.

There are hosting companies in India who do not provide support on weekends, festivals and national holidays. They work only on weekdays and that too only during business hours.

Some hosting companies are available from 9am to 9pm. You should strictly ignore all such hosting companies.

A web hosting company has to pro-actively monitor client websites and dedicated servers and they have to be available for their customers 24/7/365.

4. Payment Options 

The hosting company should offer multiple payment options. They should accept credit card, debit card, net banking, bank transfer, cheque and PayPal payments.

In order to enable credit card, debit card and net banking payment in India, a lot of documentation and a good investment is required.

A company having all these payment options enabled can be considered as a legitimate company, as they have done all the paper work and it's been verified by the payment gateways.

5. Free Trial 

 If you are still hesitating to invest in the hosting company, ask for a free trial for a week. Every web hosting company offers money back guarantee, they would use every strategy to ensure that you pay for the hosting service in advance. Some companies may refuse for a free trial but some hosting provider may offer you free trial for a week.

For the free trial, you will have to provide your personal details like full name, address, email id, contact number, PAN card number etc. The hosting company would issue a free trial after verifying the details.

Consider the above points, it would help you to select a genuine web hosting provider in India.

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