Useful 9 SEO Extension For Google Chrome Browser

Best 9 SEO Extension For Google Chrome Browser
Hello Readers.!  Download And Install All Extension in Your Google Chrome Its Really Helpful Extensions its Improve Your SEO And make you more professional.If you already have all extension so its good if you don't have so don't it know all information about the extension is given below read it.

Search Engine Optimisation For Chrome 

This really is most popular Google Chrome SEO file format. Make your regular SEO tasks easier on this SEO extension, it provides SEO statistics for any website and resources.

Common SEO stats particularly SEO extension tend to be Website’s listing throughout DMOZ and Bing Directory, websites listed with Google, Yahoo, Msn and so on., count of backlinks a unique website has and the amount of does different engines like google or tools including open site explorer from SEOMoz show, bookmarking on popular book-marking websites like scrumptious and digg, Alexa traffic rank, also checks some On-site aspects whether robots. txt and also sitemap. xml can be found or not, HTTP rank code etc.

Besides all this it also provides much more SEO information regarding any website, you must try this. Installment link: SEO with regard to Chrome.

SEO Quake Browser Google Chrome Extension

SeoQuake is really a SEO extension (toolbar) with regard to Google Chrome the item shows PageRank, Alexa Targeted visitors Rank, Keyword Density Ratio and a great deal of SEO parameters, furthermore works in SERP. Installment link: SEO Quake Search Engine Optimisation Extension (Toolbar).

Meta SEO Inspector

There are several important SEO aspects on website which can be very important and every search engine optimization optimizer (SEO) really wants to check those.

These are Name Tags and Meta Tags of website and also in browsers like chrome you have to open source signal even for checking Title tag for any webpage.

What if you possibly could see those while browsing an online site i. e. for the front itself? Here Meta Search Engine Optimisation inspector chrome extension relates to your rescue. You must use this and Most likely you will really like this. Installation website link: Meta SEO Inspector.

Web Developer For Chrome Extension 

This is a very useful toolbar or maybe add-on of Opera and it’s quite popular among web builders. Now it’s on Google Chrome also as a possible extension.

SEO’s could also use this with regard to checking certain growth factors which plays an essential role in increasing SEO of just about any website like checking Heading (H1 to H6) Tags.

It enable you to check CSS of any website, forms; it will also help in optimizing graphics, outlining heading tags, frames, table tags, external links and many others.

Besides this what's more, it provides much additional useful information which may be used as Search Engine Optimisation advantage. Installation website link: Web Developer with regard to Chrome.

Firebug Lite with regard to Google Chrome 

This really is another common Opera add-on among builders. It’s used with regard to checking code from the website. Sometimes there comes a period of time in the life of search engine optimization optimizers (SEO’s) when they must check code of any website. Installation website link: Firebug extension with regard to Chrome.

Google Similar Pages beta (by Google) – Would like to discover more sites, business listing web page, forums or websites for link constructing. Use this tool to learn web pages just like the page you're at this time browsing. Installation website link: Google Similar Pages Extension.

Awesome Screenshot: Capture & Annotate

 This enable you to take screen pictures of webpages, sometimes search engine optimization optimizers (SEO’s) just require it for some or the opposite purpose say with regard to capturing logo of website for which they are undertaking SEO. Installation website link: Awesome Screenshot Chrome Extension.

Goo. gl Web Site Shortener

Write about links by compressing all of them. Shorten URL’s along with goo. gl, this Google URL shortener, and offer many different program! Installation link: goo. gl link shortener for firefox.

PageRank Checker Search Engine Optimisation Extension 

If you utilize Firefox then it is simple to check page rank of any webpage by setting up Google Toolbar, but it’s unavailable on Chrome. To help you to use this chrome extension to recognise page rank of any webpage. Installation  link: PageRank Checker Search Engine Optimisation Extension.

Google Dictionary (by Google)

 Every search engine optimization optimizer know in which content is master and sometimes they must write a new content for just what so ever reason that might be, for this they should be have a good vocabulary. Use this chrome extension to recognise meanings of word and their synonyms. Installation link: Google Search Engine Dictionary.

Do you know the other Google Chrome extensions which direct you towards doing SEO? If yes then why don't you share them throughout comments.


  1. hey bro
    Really nice tips.
    Can you tell me where you got that footer from???
    pls that hover green effect?

  2. Nice post by tipsntricks4fun with innovative stuff

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